FSC published for the past year its Communication on Progress Report (COP) and is committed to the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact.
The second year was marked by the active support of the establishment of these principles in the company FSC. In varying depth the 10 principles as well as the principles and guidelines of the UN Global Compact, were discussed. The internal inventory begun last year and were completed for all subjects.
Moreover, the current degree of realization was analyzed and updated. Again the existing activities were documented, updated and internally communicated. FSC is pride of the converted and is continuing in his efforts. The Company is currently working on several approaches. The view goes into a future in that further ideas will be tackled and led into concrete actions and activities.
For the third consecutive year as a supporter of the UN Global Compact FSC is working to expand the principles of the UN Global Compact in the company through explicit measures.